Thursday 4 July 2013

Fishermen village in Kampot, Cambodia

On one of our motorbikes tours we found a fishermen village on the outskirts of Kampot.

This family was at the entrance of the village. We were not very sure what they were doing in the mud like that so we approached them and we realized that they were fishing in that mud. About five people in total were there, all of them children.

As we entered more into the village we found the river were the men go fishing and on the banks we found this group of children playing in the water. They were very happy and surprised to see two tourists on motorbikes driving around in their village, there was no sign of tourisms there, not a single person knew a word of English.

I really don't have anything to say about this picture really. They were just looking out of the window at us and I managed to catch a glimpse of them waving at us and decided to take their picture.

The fishermen at work. This river was extremely warm and extremely salty. It's almost ten kilometers away from the sea but the salt is still very noticeable. They sail down towards the sea to fish for crab and squid mainly.

A very happy and funny family that opened the doors to their home so that we could eat there. One of the children (who isn't on this photo) would scream and run away whenever she saw us. Every time that happened the lady with the pink hat would grab her and approach her too us and she would start crying. Everyone there found it extremely funny and so did we.

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