Friday 5 July 2013

Banlung, Cambodia

Banglung is a town in the north-east of Cambodia, near the border with Laos. The town itself is not much but there's an amazing site to see, the Yeak Laom Lake. It's situated in a volcano's crater and it's alnost a perfect circle. The waters are extremely calm and if you het there early when no one is there it has a magical feel to it. During the Khmer Rouge years the lake was completely abandoned because of its religious and spiritual importance in the country, in the same way that all other religious buildings and sites were abandoned or used as warehouses.

This is the first view you get of the lake when you go to visit it. The water is extremely clean and clear and you can see everything that happens within it.

There's also a two and a half kilometer walk you can do around it. The lake is eight hundred meters in diameter so it allows for a nice little walk surrounded by trees and other plants. Also, if you go early in the morning you can hear all of the animals thta live around the lake, specially the birds.

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